Far Out (2019)
Director: Jessica Eu & Daisy Stone
Writer: Daisy Stone
Director of Photography: Jessica Eu
In an era when young people spend hours scrolling through social feeds, watching YouTube videos, and tuning into livestreams, traditional media seems increasingly irrelevant. The question then is: how does storytelling adapt to this shift?
The web series FAR OUT sought to address this by meeting viewers where they are—on social media. The series was published on IGTV, Instagram’s first foray into long format videos. It utilized traditional web series episodes, with episodes running 1-2 minutes each, individual Instagram accounts for the characters, and a Tumblr blog. The story unfolded over five weeks, with filmed episodes, scripted Instagram stories, and character interactions happening in real time and mingling with the audience’s personal social media feeds, blurring the line between reality and fiction. This transmedia approach explored how stories can integrate with our lives and critiques how social media shapes personal narratives.
The project emerged from Buzzfeed and Instagram’s incubator program, #VerticalU.
︎ Watch all episodes on Instagram
*best viewed on a phone

Teaser Promotional Posters
Character Instagrams of Grace, Nick and Mallory
Using Instagram accounts to deepen character portrayal in the digital era, the web series featured accounts posting scripted content weekly. Each character's aesthetic was meticulously curated across their feed and stories. Even seemingly minor details like the celebrities each account followed, how Instagram stories were stylized, and the emojis used in comments were carefully integrated into the narrative.
The Instagram account @FarOut_TV (above) was used as a main hub to catch all the weekly content and create a timeline for easy viewing

Character Instagrams of Grace, Nick and Mallory
Using Instagram accounts to deepen character portrayal in the digital era, the web series featured accounts posting scripted content weekly. Each character's aesthetic was meticulously curated across their feed and stories. Even seemingly minor details like the celebrities each account followed, how Instagram stories were stylized, and the emojis used in comments were carefully integrated into the narrative.

The Instagram account @FarOut_TV (above) was used as a main hub to catch all the weekly content and create a timeline for easy viewing

More details including
(1) Instagram Stories on the main account, @FarOut_TV, created in-app
(2) Stylized text messages between characters
(3) Announcement posts
(4) The character Nick’s Photography Tumblr account